Consul General Lorenzo Ortona Visits Honolulu

Members of the Italian community in Honolulu gathered to greet Lorenzo Ortona, Consul General of Italy, San Francisco. (Photo courtesy of Zach DiLonno)
On March 11, 2018, Consul General Lorenzo Ortona and his wife Sheila were honored at a reception hosted by Michele Carbone, MD, PhD. Dr. Carbone, who is the Honorary Consul to Italy in Hawaii, cooked for a group of about 40 Italian citizens living in Honolulu.
The Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco has jurisdiction over all Italians living in Hawaii. It provides important consular services, such as issuance and renewal of passports, procura, and registration of vital records.
There are about 200 Italian families living on the Hawaiian Islands. The Honorary Consulate of Italy in Hawaii is a pro-bono service, and we are able to help families with some of the services needed from the Consulate.
If you are an Italian living in Hawaii, you should be registered in the A.I.R.E. program so that you receive important information from the Italian government about elections and other Italian matters.
If you would like to be part of a Hawaii-only Italian community email list, please send an email to the Honorary Consulate. We can send you notifications in the event that we are able to host other receptions, as well as let you know about future visits from the Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco. Click HERE to send an email to Dr. Michele Carbone.
One of the dishes Dr. Carbone prepared was a risotto designed to match the colors of the Italian flag: red tomatoes, green spinach, and white Canneroli rice.